How To Pick Domain Name

Domain Name – How To Pick One For Yourself

You think picking a domain name is very easy task, Right? Why I’ll use my business name as a domain name. Wait not so fast, Dude.  A good bit of thought should be given to selecting a nice and memorable domain name for you business.

A Cautionary Note

choosing a domain name for your business is like getting married. You have to stick with it till the end. People that visit at your site will able to know it by your domain name. Or repeat visitor just simply going to type your domain name in address bar of there browser to visit your site. This type of traffic is known as “Type In Traffic”….

EX: Do your search for Facebook whenever you want to chat with your friends and share something with them. Or you just simply type

If Facebook is going to change its domain name to something else then they are going to lose a huge amount of traffic, and there will a big confusion. The same thing is also applies for you. Once you pick it, stick with it…

Whenever you are booking a domain name, the everyone’s first choice is there business name, but it may be not a best option for you. There are 4 issues that you can consider….

How To Pick Domain Name


The first issue about using your business name as your domain name is SEO. If you are willing to get ranking for particular keyword or phrase, then it’s a best option that you have that keyword in your domain name.

Google always look at domain name while evaluating the site. So if you are willing to get on the top of your most relevant keyword of your business then make it exists in your domain name.


The second issue about using your business name as domain name is length of your business name, that makes it using as your domain name a unwise choice.

If your domain name length is longer than 2 words, it becomes difficult to memories or type in… Your clients are going to find difficulties in typing it, they could easily make a spell error or something else.

Double Letter

Double letter is third issue about using your business name as domain name. Suppose if your business name is Smiths Salon or you are willing to use it as your domain name. Then you should forget about it.. if you booked it as a domain name like , then lots of your visitors are going to face confusion while typing your domain name. Some of your visitors are going to type it correct or some of your visitors are going to make spelling errors or they are going to type your domain name like this  Then you are going to lose a huge amount of traffic or also confusing your visitors is not a good way to run a website.

Domain Extension

The final issue is that your domain name should always end with “.COM” , and I don’t want to hear any question like, Why? The reason is very simple when people think of any domain name they simply type it with .COM. Yes there are many other domain extension exits on the web, but most people have a bad habit of typing any domain name with .Com extension.

All of you are familiar with, A very well know blog on the web and also in blogosphere. Problogger is booked with extension of .NET not .COM.  Lots of people type in there browser and see that they are somewhere else. Because of this Darren Rowse losing a huge amount of traffic, so he decided to buy in $5000. And now Darren Rowse has both domain name With Extension of .COM and .NET.  So make sure you booked your domain name in .COM extension.

Rest a bit and take a deap breath before you select a domain name for your business. Choosing a domain name is like spouse, it can be either a good choice or bad choice…..

If all any case from the above is applies on you and you want to select a different domain name for your business then read this article. This will help you to think how you can think of still available domain name…

Keep reading-Tattoo shop name ideas